It’s crazy with Luigi and this perp walk and the whole thing how they aren’t even pretending they don’t value rich people’s lives more than the rest of ours.
It’s crazy with Luigi and this perp walk and the whole thing how they aren’t even pretending they don’t value rich people’s lives more than the rest of ours.
I’m interested in connecting with people involved in intentional communities, eco villages, off-grid living or related for a photography project in which I would document and write about what they’re doing. If you have any connections, get in touch please. #intentionalcommunity #offgrid
I think I have the brain scramblies.
The way you can organize and mix in code using modules and namespaces is probably my favorite thing in Ruby. It’s such a simple and powerful system that usually does what I expect it to do and lets me create more complex systems while keeping them understandable. #ruby
My ability to be both incredibly tired and unable to sleep at the same time is pretty notable.
I think I realized the reason I keep getting dust on my film negatives I can’t get out is that there’s a heating vent in the bathroom. I’m going to try hanging a bar in my closet with an air purifier to see if that works better.
I asked Image Playground to make one of my dogs a fantasy hero and the other a chef. Seems pretty accurate.
I had a dream last night where Apple dropped AppleScript support and I was so mad.
My favorite image editor for macOS, Acorn, just came out with a new version and is on sale right now for $19.99. That’s an insane deal. Definitely pick it up. #macOS
Book shop around the corner. #pdx #filmphotography
Okay then, this roll is all underdeveloped and dark, so the lesson here is to use inversion with my Patterson tank and never rely on the agitation stick again. #filmphotography
Got a portable photography light with a softbox that can be battery-powered. Hoping it works well for indoor photographs where I just want to add enough light to be flattering and get good exposures.
It’s funny how brands which make very similar products differentiate by choosing models that they think represent their imagined audience.
Fjallraven is all outdoorsy-looking hipsters. Filson is all cowboys. Barbour is all posh-looking British people.
You can tell how stressed I am about actual life problems by how excited I am about my hobbies. I lean into those things when life is too much.
This is a good example of where reflective metering can lead you wrong. Because the back wall is white, it thinks my aperture should be 1/250, when it’s more like 1/60 based on the actual light. That’s two stops!
This is a good example of where reflective metering can lead you wrong. Because the back wall is white, it thinks my aperture should be 1/250, when it’s more like 1/60 based on the actual light. That’s two stops!
WebObjects? That’s a fucking blast from the past.
Also, should I be concerned that a company I buy software from is on WebObjects? 😟
If I look at all the bad things that have happened this year, I think I’ve handled things pretty well. I’ve done a good job finding joy where I can.
I’m making a list of ghost towns in the Pacific Northwest. When the weather gets nice again, I’m thinking I’ll visit, take photos, and write about them. Maybe I could make a little photo book out of it even?
My favorite part the power going out is how my neighbors all have to go outside and start yelling across the street to each other about it. Every time.
I’ve decided I’m just going to do all my editing in Lightroom and export to Apple Photos as lossless 10 bit HEIC, since that seems like the best combination for compatibility and I can always re-export later if there’s a good reason to.
Cool. The power just went out. When is Pacific Power going to update this part of Portland? I’ve never lived anywhere that had between one and three outages every year.
If AVIF Is clearly the future, I should probably go with that. HEIC is appealing because whatever Apple moves to in the future, they’re going to keep supporting it. JPEG-XL is the only one of these that can do 16 bit lossless, which is nice because nothing I do will surpass that.
JPEG-XL and AVIF seem like a real betamax/VHS situation or Mac/Windows. JPEG-XL is technically superior, but AVIF has better industry support and Google is determined to make it happen.
I like to do some editing in Lightroom, and then ultimately export to Apple Photos in a lossless format. Not sure what to do here. JPEG-XL is great, but support is bad. HEIC is effectively limited to 10 bits (maybe that’s enough?). AVIF? I just want to pick something I don’t have to change later.