Migrating my blog over to Wordpress.com. It’s not expensive and then I don’t have to manage any of this stuff.
Migrating my blog over to Wordpress.com. It’s not expensive and then I don’t have to manage any of this stuff.
Ugh. I really need to figure out how I’m going to fix my Wordpress install or move to something else.
The Sunday sit at the Shambhala Center yesterday ended up being about 90 minutes (3x25 with a couple walking periods), so that was a bit intense to make it through.
Before AirPlay 2 I always had the option to send whatever audio my phone was playing wherever I wanted from Control Center, but that’s no longer true.
Is there a way to tell Siri to play to all of my speakers that aren’t my Apple TV in one command?
Celebrity deaths usually don’t bother me so much, but Anthony Bourdain is someone who I’ve read his book, seen all of his shows, went to places on his recommendation, and felt like I knew him a little (in one sided way). He taught me things.
Depression is a horrible disease.
🎶 I’ve been standing at the edge of the window, barking at the cat across the alley, never really knowing why. I wish I could be the perfect puppy, but I keep going to the window, no matter how I don’t try. 🎶
🎶 I’ve been standing at the edge of the window, barking at the cat across the alley, never really knowing why. I wish I could be the perfect puppy, but I keep going to the window, no matter how I don’t try. 🎶
Tempted to install the WatchOS beta just so I can get the yoga workout type.
Oh wow. I guess the cross-platform thing is happening.
My number one Micro.blog feature request is to add the Safari pinned icon image :-D Also, I can’t believe it’s already been over a year.
Ooh this new meditation cushion set (zafu and zabuton) is much nicer (Link had an accident on my old one when I left it on the floor). I wasn’t sure about the crescent shaped cushion, but I can already tell it’s much more comfortable.
I really want to be able to go into the Home app and say (for example) “Play ‘The Final Countdown’ when I come home.” giphy.com/gifs/thin…
It only does about 1/100th as much as the Echo can, but I like HomePod way more than I thought I would. I’d like to see it get more (any) automation abilities and some third-party support, even if it’s just a couple of partners and audio apps only (Audible and Overcast).
Are Apple Podcasts play locations supposed to sync on HomePod and it just doesn’t work or is that not a feature? If it’s not I can’t see why anyone would use it instead of AirPlay.
Still sticking with the Peloton and loving it. #peloton #fitness
Signed up for a seven week meditation course at the local Shambala center. I think getting the Buddhism out of my house and with other people will be good for me.
Wearing my favorite shirt today.
Happy Scale is such a great app for getting a picture of the way your weight trends are going instead of having to just focus on the day to day numbers. Happy Scale by Front Pocket Software LLChttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/happy-scale/id532430574?mt=8
Man. What am I supposed to do now? I re-watched every episode of Star Trek the last time something like this happened.
Thanks for all the support everyone. I loved working at Sonos and my team was awesome. Bummed to go but it was a purely corporate decision there’s no point in feeling bad about. I’m sure I’ll find something quickly.
Because I did not mention in my last tweet I should say that I do iOS and Mac dev primarily for ten years and am immediately available for any full time or contract positions.
Due to a reorganization my position at Sonos (along with many others) has been eliminated. I’m located in Seattle. I am immediately available to interview for positions or take on any contracting work someone might have for me. Retweet if you love me, please.
If you’re on Strava you can add me by searching my name or going to my profile here: www.strava.com/athletes/…
Did my first Peloton ride this morning. It was fun and pretty tiring!