Whenever I read something which talks about how much X has gone up over the last thirty years, or how much more money Y made vs. twenty years ago and they don’t mention inflation one way or another, I assume they’re trying to mislead me.
Whenever I read something which talks about how much X has gone up over the last thirty years, or how much more money Y made vs. twenty years ago and they don’t mention inflation one way or another, I assume they’re trying to mislead me.
It’s neat to realize that a lot of stuff you would imagine needing to program a microcontroller for can also be done with a few integrated circuits because, at the lowest level, they’re both just manipulating bits via input/output pins.
Learning electronics has been good for my programming skills in a very general way in that it makes you think at levels which are usually very far away while doing typical app development. Also it’s fun!
Added this little blue smoke monster I got from @Adafruit to my jacket. Hopefully, he won’t scare any children… or adults who have burned out electronic components and met him in real life.
All of the circuit design app options out there are… rough. I’m probably going to end up with OmniGraffle/paper until that becomes unsustainable.
There’s no reason to judge meat eaters if you’re vegan, and if you aren’t, don’t assume that most of us are judgmental or care what you eat. Vegan food is pretty good, and it’s good for the planet too. Just do what feels right to you ethically and for your body and move on.
Four days after surgery for a deviated septum, turbinate reduction, and getting Latera implanted, I am feeling mostly myself again. I made it into the office yesterday but was still too loopy for my brain to cooperate or get much done.
I had no idea how much I would enjoy having “Hey Siri” on my AirPods. The speed and reliability of it is really impressive.
I didn’t expect a mechanical pencil to be my new favorite thing, but there it is.
Honestly, in some ways I probably find vim a little less head scratchy than getting Sublime set up.
It turns out if you’re not afraid of typing you can become kind of passable at using vim in about a day, and it’s actually pretty cool.
I’m taking my new Doc Martens out for a walk around my old neighborhood in San Francisco today to take in the weather.
Hello, handsome. My first RPN calculator. Now I need to learn all it can do. I dig the retro 70s vibe.
I am somewhat determined to get good at using an RPN calculator. You know, for fun?
I’ve written a lot of AppleScript in the last decade, but, as far as I know, yesterday is the first time I checked one of those scripts in to share with my team. So — technically — I am now officially writing AppleScript professionally.
Neat. I can now connect through VPN to my home network and ssh into my Raspberry Pi. Now I just need to think of something useful to run on my Pi.
Looking very intently at a crash log, a coworker comes up behind and whispers in my ear “something crashed” — causing me to jump out of my seat 😂
I’m considering trying to find a small thing I could do with a microcontroller in assembly for the learning experience. AVR assembly doesn’t seem too crazy…
Putting together a kit you solder yourself is sort of like lego, but with a useful end result, and with the possibility of serious burns.
I managed to solder this TV No More together without burning myself and it works! I can now turn off any TV, which I will of course only use for good 😈
Got a bit of goodies from @adafruit. Can’t wait to get into and start soldering later!
Got my deviated septum and turbinate reduction surgery scheduled for the end of the month. I’m excited and really hope it helps. The sleep stuff has been really hard the last couple of weeks.
I 👏 wrote 👏 a 👏 script 👏 for 👏 inserting 👏 claps 👏 into 👏 sentences.
I’m sorry.
Writing really detailed comments around a piece of code that you just came to understand is a really good way to solidify that. I’m getting more into a habit of adding doc comments to most anything where it might be helpful in general as well.
That’s pretty much all I’ve got. Truthfully, I still feel like I’m just starting out and I’m beginning to think that feeling doesn’t go away.